Adelaide, St Peter’s Cathedral
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Wm Hill & Son, Norman & Beard 1929.
4 manual 53 stops.
The organ has been thoroughly restored with the aim of preserving its original style and character. New electrical systems have been provided and four new stops, based on the original pipe scales and tonal aesthetic, have been added. Completed 2018.
Click HERE to view the specification
Specification of work
The pipework was removed from the organ for cleaning and repair. The original pitch of the organ was re-established. The lengths of the reed pipes were checked, and those that were short were extended. Existing trebles were lengthened and re-slotted, as necessary. New pipework was provided for the Great Mixture III, Swell Mixture III and Pedal Principal 8ft & 4ft. New pipes were constructed and scaled to match the original material, and were voiced and balanced to blend with the remainder of the organ. The Pedal Contra Trombone 32ft wwere provided with a new resonator, and new boots, tongues, and shallots provided for all 12 pipes. This extension was revoiced to ensure a good blend with the remainder of the organ. The organ was tuned. The front pipes were cleaned.
Mar/Apr 2018
Feb 2018
Jan 2018
Nov 2017
Specification of work
The keyboards were overhauled and fitted with new springs and contacts. Reclaimed ivory key covers replaced those that were overly worn. The pedalboard was overhauled and fitted with new contacts. The pistons were converted to electric operation. The depth of the console casework was reduced and established in a revised position which allowed the passage of an assistant behind the organist. Woodwork was cleaned and restored.
Nov 2018
Aug 2018
May 2018
Mar/Apr 2018
Jan-Feb 2018
Nov/Dec 2017
Specification of work
The slider soundboards were reconstructed and provided with new tables, pallet boards and sliders. The pallets were recovered in new felt and leather. The unit chests were fully overhauled.
The manual actions were reconstructed and provided with new primary and secondary portions, and the original power motors releathered. The back Swell soundboard was provided with an independent action. The unit chest actions were overhauled and releathered with new primary and secondary portions added to the Solo Tuba. New all-electric drawstop actions were provided throughout the organ.
May 2018
Apr 2018
Mar 2018
Feb 2018
Jan 2018
Dec 2017
Nov 2017
Oct 2017
Specification of work
The three reservoirs which were releathered in 1990 were opened up and cleaned, and checked for soundness. The remaining six reservoirs were releathered and the control valves were restored. A new single-rise reservoir and control valve was provided for the Contra Trombone 32ft. The tremulants overhauled and releathered. The wind trunking was overhauled and made sound.
The swell shutters were overhauled and re-fitted. The swell-boxes were lined with dense, reflective material.
Apr 2018
Nov 2017
A new low-voltage electrical system was installed throughout the organ. The case woodwork was cleaned. Oak panelling was provided to enclose the mechanism for the 32ft reed. An enclosure was provided to house the blower and reservoir for the 32ft reed.
Assembly – photos by Chris Oaten, Insight Visuals
The following photos are courtesy of Chris Oaten of Insight Visuals
Assembly – photos by H&H
The following photos were taken by our Andrew Fiddes, apprentice Voicer, while assisting Andrew Scott, Head Voicer, with the voicing of the organ.
Assembly – Photos courtesy of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide
Photos courtesy of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide
Videos by Adelaide Cathedral
The organ is now back in Australia and the team begin the re installation (Aug 8th 2018)
VIDEOS courtesy of Adelaide Cathedral
Another week gone – listen through to the end and enjoy the sound with a nod to Remembrance Sunday Click Here to view
Two short videos with Andy Scott talking about pitch and work done in Durham
2nd video (Click Here to view)
1st Video (Click Here to view)
Cathedral organist, David Heah, gets to hear the fruits of our labour as completion for Advent gets ever closer.Click here to view
Andrew Fiddes, organ Voicer in conversation with the Dean (Click Here for Video)
‘See what’s happening on the top level’ (Click Here for Video )
Thank you for doing a good job putting the organ back together (Click Here for Video)
Organ installation nearly completed (Click Here for Video)
‘What’s happening in the organ chamber’ (Click Here for Video)
The sound of music controlled from a phone (Click Here for Video)