Harrison & Harrison’s approach to organ building is nothing if not thorough.

- We make our own organs in our own workshop.
- Nothing is mass-produced: not a single tracker or power-motor is made without a particular organ in mind. There are no short cuts.
- The firm has an unbroken tradition of slider chests, going back to 1861.
- We cast our own pipe metal by traditional methods to the specification required for each stop.
- The firm’s own voicers control every aspect of the organ’s musical development.
- Each new organ is first set up in our workshop to ensure that every part is functioning correctly. It is then dismantled and packed for dispatch.
- After it has been installed by our own organ builders, the instrument is finished with the detailed voicing and tonal blending for which the firm is renowned.
Harrison organs have a reputation for longevity. A new organ is guaranteed for the first fifteen years; even after that it will require little attention. A busy city church could expect its H&H organ to run smoothly for 50 years before its first major maintenance work. A small country organ might last twice as long.
We provide a prompt and efficient maintenance service.