Partial overhaul of the soundboard and rollerboard.
The photos below show the work being done on site.
The lower section of the organ will be dismantled and a temporary support frame will be installed so work can be done to the floor (by others). Once work has been completed to the floor the lower section of the organ will be cleaned and reassembled. The reservoir will be re-leathered and returned to its frame in the vestry.
9th March
02 Apr 2015
T.C. Lewis, 1903, updates JPow, 1999 : 2 manuals 24 stops.
The organ is to be part dismantled and the following work undertaken:
The Swell pallet-actuating motors and Swell slider-actuating unit to be re-leathered and the Pedal pallet-actuating motors to be re-leathered.
The organ will be reassembled, the mechanism checked and organ tuned.
23rd July 2015
Walker 1870 and 1947: 3 manuals 45 stops. New keyboards, and installation of new piston system.
02 Apr 2015
08 Apr 2015
05th May 2015
Willis 1877: 4 manuals 65 stops. Repairs mainly to leatherwork
Pipe machine purses and ventils were re-leathered. Swell and Solo shutter engine plunger purses were re-leathered.
Pedal stop action to be partially releathered
19th January 2015
2 manuals, 9 stops. 1986 Aug. Laukhuff
Attention to pipe speech, action adjustments and tuning