The Mirfield organ to be relocated to Pembroke House, Kenya
Kenya, Pembroke House School
To relocate the organ from the Chapel of the Community of the Resurrection in Mirfield, and rebuild and install in the Chapel at Pembroke School.
H&H 1906, restored by H&H 2012: 2 manuals, 12 stops.
Work completed June 2015.
October 2014
assembly |
assembly |
assembly |
assembly |
assembly |
assembly |
Assembly of the organ in the workshop |
Assembly of the organ in the workshop |
New layout, taken from Great soundboard |
03 November 2014
New layout, taken from ‘West’ |
Console |
11th – 18th November 2014
console with pedalboard in situ |
reconfigured Swell pedal mechanism |
reconfigured Swell pedal mechanism |
reservoir well in situ |
New solenoids for Great stop action |
trying in Great conveyances |
temporary template showing profile of new front pipes |
in the workshop |
looking through Swell access panel |
December 2014
assembly |
assembly |
19th January 2015
men at work |
Swell soundboard |
02 February 2015
dismantling the organ |
October 2014
wooden pipes |
wooden pipes |
racking in |
Fitting up reservoir and wind system |
Fitting new roller valve to reservoir |
metal pipes |
pipe |
pipes |
sorting pipes |
03 November 2014
Working on trunking |
Wooden trunking |
Reconfiguring wooden trunking |
Pedalboard |
11th – 18th November 2014
making a mockup lever for new Great stop action |
Making new off-note block for Open Diapason Basses |
mock up of new Great stop action levers |
Making new off-note block for Open Diapason Basses |
24th November 2014
Great Open off note machine |
Great Open off note machine |
mitred Pedal pipes being straightened |
New components for off note machine |
new drawstop action |
new drawstop action |
manuals |
Keys |
new key contacts for Great keys |
December 2014
Manuals |
Pedalboard components |
Pedals |
sanding sharps |
sanding sharps |
new sharps for pedalboard |
sanding pedals |
sawdust on pedals |
sanded pedals |
. |
. |
. |
7th January 2015
rewiring keys |
key contacts |
rewiring keys |
keys |
stop knobs |
stop knobs & bushing |
dismantling jambs |
Jambs dismantled |
Console jambs |
jamb plates |
jamb plates |
internal drawstop mechanism |
internal drawstop machine components |
shutters |
drawstop machine components |
drawstop machine components |
drawstop machine components |
19th January 2015
actions |
actions |
actions |
actions |
actions |
actions |
refurbish soundboards |
refurbish soundboards |
refurbish soundboards |
actions |
26th January 2015
Racking in the Swell |
Swell pipes |
Swell being racked in |
Swell pipes |
Swell |
casework finished off |
casework finished off |
casework finished off |
casework finished off |
02 February 2015
racking in |
racking in |
racking in |
Racking in |
refurbished soundboard |
refurbished soundboard |
10 February 2015
Great soundboard |
Great soundboard |
Great soundboard |
Swell soundboard |
Swell soundboard |
June 2015
The trailer arrives. |
Now to unload the trailer |
framework in place |
storms strike and the organ has to be covered due to water leakages |
rain floods the chapel; now it’s all hands on deck to mop the floors. |
all cleaned up |
Pipes laid out ready for installation |
finishishing touches |
organ finished and ready for tuning |
looking up |
console |
H&H plaque |
Meet the team (left to right: Andrew Fiddes and Geoff Pollard,Team Leader) |
Grand Temple, Freemasons’ Hall, London
Grand Temple, Freemasons’ Hall, London
Henry Willis & Sons 1933.
Full restoration of the mechanism, and the addition of a further division. (3 manual, 50 stops)
The main organ was dismantled in January 2013. There has been a full restoration of the mechanism and a new division created called the Grand Organ which has been installed above the organ console. Completed April 2015
See below for a series of images showing the progression of the work from start to completion.
front view |
Section A – Section through LP reservoir |
Section A – Section through HP reservoir |
Drawings |
Section C |
The organ |
Case front view |
Case side view |
An new division has been added and a new jamb layout.
manuals before work |
rear of console before work |
back of console |
March & April 2014
cleaning key contacts |
fitting key buttons |
May 2014
removing stop tabs |
console |
stop tabs |
working on the jamb blower switch |
June & July 2014
Stops |
Stops |
manuals |
console |
14th October 2014
overhauling pedalboard |
pedals |
21st October 2014
pedalboard |
console casework |
pedal |
28th October 2014
Design drawing for trunking |
Design drawings for trunking |
Trunking |
trunking |
Adding felt to pedalboard |
Adding felt to pedalboard |
Pedalboard |
toe pistons |
pedal board components |
toe pistons |
3rd – 18th November 2014
pedalboard frame |
pedals |
fitting pedals to pedal-board frame |
fitting pedals to pedal-board |
Pedal board |
25th November 2014
Keys |
console casework |
console casework |
stool |
stool |
1st December 2014
pedalboard |
stop jambs |
manuals & stops |
wiring keys |
wiring keys |
wiring keys |
fitting electrics |
fitting electrics into console |
December 2014
Photographs taken by Dennis Ramsey
Pedalboard |
Working on the console |
Manuals |
working on the pedalboard |
Soundboard, Actions & Chests
New slider chests of traditional construction have been installed.
New off-note chests of similar construction to the main soundboards provided for the front pipes that are speaking.
New three stage electro-pneumatic actions with chest magnet primaries for soundboards and chests.
Pedal Violone chest |
Swell reed chest |
Great action |
[March & April 2014
key contacts |
action |
valves |
working on upper chest action |
lower swell |
upper Swell |
Upper Swell |
working on upper Swell |
working on upper Swell |
April 2014
Open wood chest |
Pedal Violone chest |
Great Pedal Violone chest |
Lower Great chest |
Lower Great chest |
May & June 2014
Choir 9 stop soundboard |
Pitmans, Choir 9 stop soundboard |
Pitmans, Choir 9 stop soundboard |
adjusting purses |
action |
leathering Great Reed |
July, August & September 2014
new soundboard |
soundboard |
trimming leather on motors |
new soundboard |
new soundboard |
sanding actions |
14th October 2014
fitting up |
fitting up |
November 2014
upperboards |
upperboards |
New front pipes have been made. All pipework is made of spotted metal with large basses of zinc.
Choir reeds |
Swell main |
Great Trumpet pipes |
Swell reeds |
April 2014
Cor Anglais |
Cor Anglais |
Swell Waldhorn |
Swell Waldhorn |
trunking |
repairing Choir Tromba |
repairing Choir Tromba on the gallows |
May – Sept 2014
8ft Tuba & 8ft Trumpet shallots |
01 October – 18th November 2014
Grand Flue |
Grand Mixture |
25th November 2014
racking in Grand Mixture |
racking in |
racking in |
December 2014
Photographs taken by Dennis Ramsey
measuring the metal for pipes |
measuring the metal for pipes |
cutting the metal for pipes |
forming the pipes |
fitting new shallots |
9th January 2015
Open Diapason 8′ in the voicing room |
Great Tuba |
Great Tuba |
26th January 2015
Great Trumpet |
Trumpet sockets |
Trumpet tubulars |
Great Tuba |
Reed blocks |
26th January 2015
Front pipes of the new Grand Great division, gold leafed and awaiting installation. |
March 2015
Swell Flue pipework cleaned and back in place |
Wind System
Two new single rise reservoirs and blowers have been manufactured and installed in the room below the console. Wind trunking is made of either wood or zinc.
regulator |
Pedal wood pipes |
ventil |
leathering on reservoir |
trunking |
March – Apr 2014
Choir reservoir |
Choir reservoir |
leathering Upper Swell regulator |
leathering regulator |
ventil |
Ventils |
ventil |
May – June 2014
heavy pressure reservoir |
Concussion |
painting trunking |
July – August 2014
roller valves |
roller valves |
working on counter balances on the Lower Great reservoir |
September 2014
fitting new reservoir |
Cleaning wind boxes |
October 2014
Design drawing for trunking |
trunking |
trunking |
1st – 18th November 2014
Blower box components |
blower box |
clamped trunking |
clamped trunking |
Trunking |
completed trunking in storage |
completed trunking in storage |
25th November 2014
Blower box |
shutters |
painting shutters |
painting shutters |
painted shutters |
October 2014
new passage boards |
framework |
framework |
November 2014
voicing in the workshop |
voicing grand flue |
[/t1st December 2014
Solid State wiring |
December 2014
Photographs taken by Dennis Ramsey
Inside the Freemasons’ Hall |
Assembly |
Assembly |
February 2015
Photographs by Charles Grace |
Voicing at the Grand Temple |
Voicing |
Vocing |
Voicing at the Grand Temple |
Voicing at the Grand Temple |
Voicing at the Grand Temple |
March 2015
Voicing the Grand Tuba |
Voicing the Grand Tuba |
Voicing the Grand Tuba |
Photographs below by Charles Grace |
Fitting front pipes in place |
Side door entrance to organ |
Side panels of door entrance closed |
Craig Watson working on the console |
Craig Watson working on the console |
The team: (left to right) Craig Watson, David Robinson, Michael Clough (Team Leader), Kelvin Kent. |
Photo by Andrew Scott |
Photo by Andrew Scott |
April 2015
Photos by Dennis Ramsey |
Craig Watson (left) and Michael Clough, Team Leader carrying the decorative panel |
Craig Watson (left) and Michael Clough, Team Leader placing the decorative panel |
Craig Watson (left) and Michael Clough, Team Leader inserting the top panel |
Michael Clough, Team Leader polishing the decorative panel |
The Completed Organ
The completed organ. Photo by Andrew Scott |
Craig Watson (left) and Michael Clough, Team Leader (right) Photo by Dennis Ramsey |
Charles Grace (left) shaking hands with Team Leader, Michael Clough. Photo by Dennis Ramsey |
The completed organ Photo by Dennis Ramsey |
The completed organ Photo by Dennis Ramsey |
The completed organ Photo by Dennis Ramsey |
Oxford, Wadham College
Oxford, Wadham College
Willis 1862: 2 manual 18 stops. The organ will be thoroughly restored without change.
Soundboard, Actions and Chests
Great and Swell slider soundboards removed and to be overhauled in our workshop. The Pedal chests will be overhauled on site. Rollerboards to be overhauled and rebushed. Trackers to be checked and renewed where necessary. Backfalls to be overhauled and square beams re-centred. New cloths and leather buttons to be fitted. Pneumatic Pedal actions overhauled. Mechanical drawstop action and Swell Pedal action overhauled. Pedal Open Bass ventils restored.
Pedal Organ unit base chest leatherwork |
part of the Pedal action |
part of the Pedal action |
trackers |
Pedal coupler |
Swell rollerboard |
4th May 2015
working on the mechanical stop action |
mechanical stop action combination machine |
mechanical stop action combination machine |
working on the Pedal unit chest |
Pedal unit chest |
Pedal unit chest |
swell pallets |
Swell soundboard |
pallets |
manual coupler stack |
manual coupler stack |
manual coupler stack |
19 May 2015
Great action squares |
backfalls |
working on the backfalls |
working on backfalls |
working on backfalls |
Swell soundboard |
Swell soundboard |
manual couplers stack of backfalls |
Swell soundboard |
10 Jun 2015
Great rollerboard |
Great rollerboard |
Pedal jack |
Pedal jack |
Pedal jack |
Pedal jack |
Pedal rollerboard with Pedal couplers |
manual squares |
17 Jun 2015
combination pedal machine |
Pedal Open Wood unit chest |
Pallets |
Pedal Open Wood unit chest |
The pedalboard is to be overhauled and all playing surfaces refaced. Key coverings to be restored. Stop knobs to be refurbished and jamb bushings renewed. Console woodwork to be restored.
cleaning console panels |
Console panels |
pedalboard |
Pedalboard |
pedals |
working on the pedals for pedalboard |
10 Jun 2015
Pedal jack |
Pedal jack |
Pedal jack |
console |
console |
pedals being fitted into pedalboard |
pedalboard |
stop knobs |
Stop knobs |
17 June 2015
Console components |
fitted pedals in pedalboard |
Pedals |
keys |
console panels |
console panels |
console panels |
All pipes to be removed and cleaned. Reed stops to be repaired and voiced. Once pipework has been reassembled it will be regulated and tuned.
Great Organ pipework |
Great Trumpet |
pipework |
5 May 2015
working on the Swell Oboe |
working on the Swell Oboe |
19 May 2015
working on the mixtures |
working on the mixtures |
10 Jun 2015
working on the Swell mixtures |
Swell mixtures |
Wind System
Pipe wind conveyances to be repaired. Double rise reservoir and feeders releathered and wind trunks repaired. Blower overhauled and chamber soundproofed. Hand blowing mechanism restored.
Electrics |
leatherwork on the reservoir |
flexible conveyances |
flexible conveyance |
parts of the hand blowing apparatus |
conveyances to front pipes |
May 2015
reservoir |
reservoir |
reservoir |
reservoir panels |
10 Jun 2015
concussion |
concussion |
concussion |
reservoir |
reservoir |
reservoir |
reservoir ribs |
17 June 2015
reservoir panels |
reservoir feeders |
reservoir feeders |
leathering reservoir |
leathering reservoir |
leathering reservoir |
feeders |
conveyance boards |
Great pipework |
Great pipework |
Great pipework |
Swell pipework |
right jamb |
left jamb |
former organ scholar graffiti on console door |
Singapore, Freemasons’ Hall
Singapore Freemasons’ Hall
J W Walker, 1970: 2 manuals, 18 stops
The organ is to be overhauled, and the low-voltage electrical system to be renewed. The speech and balance of the pipework will be checked and the organ will be tuned.
The pneumatic motors for the bass of the Pedal Sub Bass will be releathered. Each action movement will be checked and adjusted. An electric shutter engine will be fitted in place of the present electro-pneumatic machine.
Pallet magnets in main unit chest |
1st July 2015
New multisystem output plane in Organ and new fusing. |
The keyboards and pedalboard will be dismantled and overhauled. New contacts will be fitted. The stop-tab units will be regulated and their contacts will be cleaned.
console |
Singapore, Freemasons’ Hall |
1st July 2015
New pedal contacts and cabling. |
New multisystem input cards in console. |
Swell & Wind System
Swell shutters to be re-felted. The wind system will be checked and made sound. New electro-magnets will be fitted to operate the tremulant, and the tremulant diaphragm will be releathered if required.
1st July 2015
Swell box with new Peterson swell shutter engine. |
Electrical system
The existing low-voltage electrical system will be removed. New processor based coupling equipment will be installed. New low-voltage wiring will be installed to connect the new coupling equipment to the organ and new low-voltage power supplies will be provided. A new tremulant timer will be installed.
1st July 2015
New multisystem output plane in Organ and new fusing. |
Twickenham, St Stephen’s
Twickenham, St Stephen’s
Henry Willis c1890. 3 manuals 27 stops.
The organ was cleaned and partially refurbished.
(Below are a series of images showing the progression of work from old to new)
Soundboard, Actions and Chests
The upperboards were lifted and planed true to re-establish the correct clearance for free movement of the sliders. The table-tops were checked and splits repaired.
Choir Open to be moved back into Swell |
Choir Open to be moved back into Swell |
Great soundboard to be repaired |
After work
Choir moved back in to position |
Great soundboard after work done |
The stop names were revised to take account of the pipework changes. The key touches were checked and adjusted.
The pipework was removed from the organ, cleaned and repaired. The composition of the Swell Mixture was revised to follow typical Willis practice. The Gamba was returned to the Choir and the Open Diapason to the Swell. The speech and balance of the pipework were checked and the organ tuned.
pipework to be cleaned |
pipework |
pipework |
pipework |
pipework |
After work
racking in |
Great pipework |
Great Bourdon |
Great pipework |
Choir pipework |
Wind System and Swell Boxes
The action regulator was repaired. The wind system was checked for soundness and cleaned. The actions were checked and adjusted.
Swell conveyance and upperboards |
Swell shutters to have new pins fitted |
main reservoir to be repaired |
Swell shutters to have new pins fitted |
intake for blower |
intake for blower |
After work
Swell conveyance |
Repaired main reservoir |
intake for blower after work done |
intake for blower after work done |